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Cute | Easy | AestheticA perfectly round ball of velvety fun, marimo are an easy addition to any space and require almost no care at all! We affectionately refer to these as “the pet rock of the plant world”.Marimo are very slow growers, gaining only about a fifth of an inch in diameter per year. They will stay round their whole life and, once they’re able, may “pup” off smaller marimo! They exhibit “social” behavior, floating and bobbing around their enclosure to interact with any other marimo present – they also play well with most freshwater fish, provided that fish is not territorial (like betta fish) or an algae eater.Lighting:Low to medium indirect, prefers darker spaces with only a small amount of sunlight.Water:Change the water once a week or once the water becomes cloudy. Does not require purified water, but water should be cold. Squeeze marimo out like a sponge when changing the water to remove dead material.Fertilize:Unnecessary, but optional. Use an aquatic fertilizer if desired.Temperature:Requires cold temperatures. If marimo gets warm or recieves too much sunlight, place in refrigerator (not the freezer) for three days to a week. You’ll know it’s recieved too much heat if the color starts to brown or yellow.Toxicity:Non-toxic to humans and pets.


Seedling, 10 years, 5 Years


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