Lucky Bamboo Shoot

Lucky Bamboo Shoot


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Cute | Striking | VibrantLucky bamboo are actually not bamboo at all! They’re Dracaena, and Dracaena are all wonderfully easy to care for and are among the most popular houseplants because of it, making this perfect for beginners and neglectful plant parents alike!You’ll notice this plant spiraling as it grows its very full “canopy”, which is a trademark of the Dracaena family. You can grow this plant in water for quite some time, and when you’re ready you can plant it into some organic soil. If you choose to plant it into soil, you’ll notice that all of its leaves come back in in a more traditional Dracaena fashion.Lighting:Low to medium indirect light.Water:Change the water weekly, and make sure it’s either filtered water or that you’ve left the water to sit out overnight to allow any fluoride to evaporate off.Soil/Potting:Plant in a well draining soil in a container with a drainage hole and made of slightly porous material like ceramic or sealed concrete. Repot annually or when plant exhibits discoloration without the presence of any mis-watering habits.Fertilize:When in soil, fertilizing monthly with bacterial inoculant is recommended for steady growth and to promote richer coloration in the foliage.Temperature:Room temp (55-85 degrees is ideal), protect from harsh fluctuations in temperature particularly in the winterToxicity:Unsafe for consumption in pets and humans, can cause vomiting and excessive saliva.Got plant questions? Get in touch – we’d be glad to help!


4" Dracaena sanderiana, 6" Dracaena sanderiana, 8" Dracaena sanderiana, 8" Curly Dracaena sanderiana


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