Aglaonema ‘Chocolate’

Aglaonema ‘Chocolate’


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(Listing for Plant Only,Shop Pots and Planters)Vibrant | Spiraling | EnduringAglaonema is a universally accepted “easy” plant, making it perfect for filling out any plant collection. Plant parents worldwide love telling stories of how easily this plant comes back from conditions that seem extremely difficult to come back from!The large, pointed leaves grow in a loose spiral around the stem and tend to grow more upwards than outwards. With proper care and time, this plant will usually grow to be about two feet tall!Lighting:Medium to bright indirectWater:Weekly, or once the top 1/3 of soil has dried.Soil/Potting:Plant in a rich organic soil  in a container with a drainage hole and made of slightly porous material like ceramic. Repot annually or when plant exhibits discoloration without the presence of any mis-watering habitsFertilize:Monthly with bacterial inoculant recomended for steady growth and to promote floweringTemperature:Room temp, protect from harsh fluctuations in temperature particularly in the win


6" Aglaonema commutatum 'Chocolate', 4" Aglaonema commutatum 'Chocolate'


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