Peacock Calathea (Cathedral Windows)

Peacock Calathea (Cathedral Windows)


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Showy | Delicate | OrnateThe detailed patterns in this plant’s leaves are so beautiful you would think they have been painted on. The undersides of the leaves are a transparent crimson and the patterns on the top resemble the brilliant eye spots on a peacock’s plumage!Although Calathea tend to be chastised as being fussy, armed with just a little bit of knowledge you can make this (and many other members of its family) plant an extremely rewarding and beautiful focal point in your space!Calathea makoyana will grow at a rate according to the ambient temperature and light its given, tempid to warm is best and remember to keep that humidity high!Lighting:Medium to bright indirectWater:Allow soil to dry ~1″ between waterings, keep humidity high (use a mister, humidifier, or keep under glass)Soil/Potting:Plant in a well draining soil in a container with a drainage hole and made of slightly porous material like ceramic. Repot annually or when plant exhibits discoloration without the presence of any mis-watering habitsFertilize:Monthly with bacterial inoculant recommended for steady growth and to promote floweringTemperature:Warm (60-80 degrees is ideal), protect from harsh fluctuations in temperature particularly in the winterToxicity:Non-toxic for humans and pets, although still definitely not tasty..Got plant questions? Get in touch – we’d be glad to help!


6" Calathea makoyana 'Peacock', 4" Calathea makoyana 'Peacock'


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